
Example 01:


var myVar = 'Hello World!';

Here the hosting feature assume there will be a variable named myVar and assigned initial value undefined.

So this Will return undefined.

Example 02:


function myMethod() {
  return 'Hello World!!!';

Since hoisting feature hoist the function with its definition, this will return Hello World!!!.

Example 03:


(function myMethod() {
  return 'Hello World!!!';

In this case, the hoisting does not find any function keyword, instead it get the (.

So this Will throw Reference Error.

Example 04:


(function myMethod() {
  return 'Hello World!!!';

Like previous explanation, the hoisting does not get any function, instead it saws the (.

So this will throw Reference Error.

Example 05:


const myValue = 'Hello World';

Since ES6 feature, let and const does not support the hoisting, this will throw Reference Error.

Example 06:


let myValue = 'Hello World';

Like previous example, since ES6 feature, let and const does not support the hoisting, this will throw Reference Error.

Example 07:


var myMethod = function () {
  return 'Hello World!!!';

Here the hoisting feature hoist the myMethod with value undefined. In console.log it is interpreted something like undefined(). So this will throw Reference Error.

Example 08:


var myMethod = function () {
  return 'Hello World!!!';

In this case, the hoist feature hoist the myMethod and in memory heap, assigned the initial value undefined. So this Will return undefined.

Example 09:


var myValue = 1;
var myValue = 2;

Hoisting do partial hoisting for the var keyword.

In this case, when the hoisting first get the newValue declaration it put the initial value, undefined. When it again encounter the myValue it just ignore the definition.

And it will return undefined.

Example 10:


function myMethod() {
  return 'Initial Encounter';

function myMethod() {
  return 'Final Encounter';

In this case, when the first time myMethod will be encountered, it will hoist the definition which is returning Initial Encounter.

When the hoisting feature again encounter myMethod, it will again hoist the new definition that is returning Final Encounter.

So this will return Final Encounter.

Example 11:

var myValue = 'Hello World!!';

var myMethod = function () {
  console.log(`My Value: ${myValue}`);

  var myValue = 'Updated Value';

  console.log(`My Value: ${myValue}`);


According to the object hoisting, it happens every time a new execution context is being created.

Also, every time we invoke a method, a new execution context is being created.

For the global execution context, the hoisting set myValue and myMethod as undefined.

Now for the myMethod a new execution context and a new hoisting is created. Here using the hoisting myValue is hoisted as undefined.

This will return the following 2 lines

My Value: undefined
My Value: Updated Value

Example 12:

var myValue = 'Hello World!!';

var myMethod = function () {
  console.log(`My Value: ${myValue}`);

  var myNewValue = 'Updated Value';

  console.log(`My Value: ${myNewValue}`);


Comparing from the previous example, whenever there is not conflicting of method scoped variable and global hoisted variable, we should get the output as expected.

This will return the following 2 lines

My Value: Hello World!!
My Value: Updated Value

Avoiding Object Hoisting

From the example 11 and 12, we see that the out put is not predicted due to the hoisting.

To make the codebase predicted we can use const and let instead of var.